


A state-of-the-art design & data management
tool for micro & nano fabrication processes.




Our peer-created process database accelerating your innovations

Discover Hundreds of Processes

Explore our repository of public processes created by other users. Get inspired through similar projects, or speed up your work by copying modules to avoid reinventing a process step. With publications in the FabuBase, you'll never have to guess what steps were omitted from a paper that prevent you from reproducing their results.

Control Your Contributions

All your process flows are private by default, but your publications can make a greater impact by sharing them with the world. Creating a public process automatically adds it to the FabuBase where others can explore your work. Add a reference to the process for any publications and cite the process in your papers to increase exposure.

Design Processes

Standardized | Automated | Shareable 

The FabuBlox Library provides flexible, standardized steps to use in your process flows. The editor automatically generates cross-sections of your design — any changes update on-the-fly and propogate through the entire process.

Keep your processes private, share them with collaborators, export as a powerpoint, or publish your work to the public FabuBase.

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Made with fabulove in Boston.
FabuBlox Inc. All rights reserved.